CV-Prof. ARD Prasad | |
Profile | Former Professor and Head Documentation Research and Training Centre (DRTC) Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Bengaluru |
Address | E-mail:; Mobile: +91 944 902 6528 |
Experience | 37 years (29 years of teaching & research; 9 yrs as Head, DRTC, ISI |
Educational qualifications | Ph.D. in Library Science; M.A. and M.Phil in Philosophy |
DSpace related contributions: | Was a Member of DSpace Governance Advisory Board, MIT, USA Launched the first Digital Repository using DSpace in India. Hosting a Ubuntu based LiveDVD preconfigured with DSpace, Koha, VuFind. Drupal More than 30,000 downloads from about 100 countries Conducted ~50 training workshops in India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tunisia, Samoa |
Other distinctions: | 1) Guided 13 Ph.Ds 2) Published 4 books, about 80 papers 3) Member, Project Evaluation committee on E-Infrastructure, European Commission, Brussels 4) Consultant, UNFAO, Rome 5) Consultant,UNESCO, Paris 6) Consultant, Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver, Canada 7) Mentor, Google Summer of Code, Google Head Quarters, USA 8) Member, High Level Committee, National Mission for Libraries, Govt. of India 9) Member, Working Group on Libraries, National Knowledge Commissionof India 10) Member, University Grants Commission (UGC) of India Curriculum Development Committee on Library and Information Science 11) Member, Electronic Theses and Dissertations Committee, INFLIBNET(Information Library Network of India) 12) Fulbright Scholar, Visited University of Maryland, College Park; Iowa State University 13) Member of Retroconversion Committee, National Library of India |
Completed Projects: | 1) Living Knowledge: Funded by European Commission. Area: Semantic Web 2) AgInfra, Funded by European Commissionfunded. Area: Agriculture Data 3) Project Leader: India-Trento Programme for Advanced Research (ITPAR-2). Area: Ontology 4) Integration of AGRIS-AP metadata schema for DSpace (UN-FAO) 5) NGO Portal for UN-AIDSprogram 6) Submitted evaluation report on National Library, INFLIBNET & CRLto NKC |
Prof. ARD Prasad